Losing Weight, Balancing Your Hormones & Living Longer All Starts With..

Knowing Yourself.
It may sound trite because it's the focus of every self-help book.
At Self-Made U we make YOU the focus of our curriculum. You study YOU to make educated decisions that will ultimately help you live longer and happier.
Most of our clients come to us wanting to lose weight fast, and although we can make good on that desire, our clients get so much more than weight loss.
Here is what we hear:
- I lost the mind drama that had been plagueing me my whole life
- I learned that losing weight is easy once you understand why it's been so hard
- I learned that I don't have to feel deprived or restricted when I fast
- I learned what foods fuel me and it's different for everyone
- Learning to lose weight during the holidays, or a special event, is a gift not an excuse
- I learned that my weight is a neutral number (data) and I choose to make it dramatic
- I learned that It wasn't my fault that I was obsessed with calories
- I learned that balancing hormones is the fastest way to fat loss
Self-Made U programming is created to deliver the most comprehensive information so you can create a Self-Made Mind & Body. We start with your physical well-being, and quickly move on to your mental, emotional and metabolic well-being.
Our clients report Self-Made improvements:
- Personally
- Professionally
- Financially
- Socially
- Spiritually
And it all starts with knowing your S-E-L-F
S- Solving the mind math - aka the negative chatter that keeps delivering results you don't want
E- Eating food that fuels YOU - and it's different for every biounique human
L- Learning to collect data to make decisions from - so you no longer rely on drama, learn to collect blood glucose, ketones, weight and much more
F- Fast not to restrict but to balance your hormones and reveal emotions that need healing
We have changed so many lives in 2 short years and look forward to offering many more people the fastest, easiest and most comprehensive and sustainable way to lose weight, balance hormones, and live longer in 2022.
If you've had experience with any of our 4 basics (SELF) let us know about it. We want to hear about your results.